VIDEORECIPE Easy vegetarian and vegan sushi recipe

Sushi is a famous Japanese dish distinguished by the use of different types of seafood. However, it is also possible to find vegetarian options that are delicious and do not lose the authenticity of the food. This recipe is easy, tasty and vegan-friendly.

Learn how to store avocados and enjoy them fresh in salads, in a burrito or sushi bowl.

The recipe can be found in this article

Learn how to store avocados and enjoy them fresh in salads, in a burrito or sushi bowl.


number of servings


  • Marinated Carrot Added to
  • 2 cups water Added to
  • 2 tablespoon low sodium soy sauce Added to
  • 1 sheet nori paper Added to
  • half a carrot Added to
  • 14 purple cabbage Added to
  • 1 lb mushroom Added to
  • 34 Cup cashews Added to
  • 2 teaspoon salt Added to
  • lemon juice Added to
  • 1 tablespoon Wheat flour Added to
  • 1 tablespoon garlic powder Added to
  • 14 Cup dried seaweed Added to
  • 12 avocado per roll Added to


  • 4 cups white rice Added to
  • 8 cups water Added to
  • 12 Cup rice vinegar Added to


60 min.
1. Step

For the marinated carrots, blend the nori sheet in 1 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce.

2. Step

Dip the carrot cut into strips with a peeler.

3. Step

Chop the cabbage 45 minutes before use.

4. Step

Boil 8 cups of water and add 4 cups of rice.

5. Step

Cut up a pound of mushrooms.

6. Step

Blend 3/4 cup of cashews with nutritional yeast, salt, the juice of half a lemon and water.

7. Step

Add flour and blend again.

8. Step

Heat a frying pan with oil and when it is very hot add the mushrooms.

9. Step

Add the garlic powder and mix.

10. Step

Add the previously made sauce and stir.

11. Step

When the rice is dry, stir and cover.

12. Step

Cook the purple cabbage in a little oil for 2 minutes.

13. Step

When the rice is ready, add the rice vinegar and mix well.

14. Step

Put the dehydrated seaweed in water for 7 minutes, to garnish.

15. Step

Wrap the mat in sticky paper and place the rice on the crumpled part of the sushi paper and press down.

16. Step

Put sesame seeds, press well and turn the sheet over, then put the ingredients on the smooth side, on the other side and roll up.

17. Step

Tighten the rice well, cut strips of nori paper and decorate.

18. Step

To cut the sushi, wet a sharp, smooth knife.

19. Step


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