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Cumin - quick and easy recipes

218 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Cumin. How about trying one of these 218 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 630 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Authentic Indian beef Vindaloo recipe, Easy Lentil Chickpea Curry Recipe, Homemade Chicken Chipotle Burrito Bowl Recipe, Homemade Chicken Tikka Masala. Will you try one out?

Chicken breast with mushrooms

A recipe for the uncomplicated

White Asparagus Soup

In this recipe, you can use either white or green asparagus.

Yellow Pea Soup with Cream

A hearty pea soup flavored with sour cream.

Pork Perkelt

Our favorite pork perkelt

Quick Chicken Breast Spaghetti Sauce

Much better than store bought..

Goulash Soup with Sausages

Try the classic goulash soup enriched with a distinctive sausage taste. This soup is perfect for cold days and will surely warm you up.

Midnight Soup

This hearty soup is perfect for late hours. It is rich in flavor and can be easily and quickly prepared. Perfect for a cozy gathering or a New Year's Eve party.

Marinated pork leg for Christmas recipe

Marinated pork leg is a classic in our family during Christmas. This dish is a delicacy that is not missing in our celebrations. It is a juicy, tasty dish with a touch of spices that makes this dish irresistible. I have prepared this recipe several times and I think it is a dish that is easier to make than it looks, but it requires a little time and patience to get a really spectacular result.

Marinated pork leg for Christmas

This is a recipe that I have prepared for years, every Christmas, to enjoy with my family. Marinated pork leg is always the star of the dinner. The secret is in the mixture of spices, wine and the hours of marinating that make it tender and delicious. In addition, during its slow cooking in the oven, it fills the house with an irresistible aroma.

Steamed red cabbage

Be sure to try this recipe, I guarantee you won't be disappointed! This classic Hungarian recipe can be a wonderful accompaniment to meat dishes, and the purple cabbage is a real vitamin bomb on cold winter days.


I've made cornbread many times for my vegan friends, as it can be prepared in many different flavours. Simple and quick, ideal as a starter.

Stuffed geese

Stuffed goose is an excellent Hungarian dish that I have prepared many times in my family. I always buy fresh goose meat, the best goose leg oil, so that all the ingredients come from us.

Creamy vegetarian sweet potato soup

I have grown very fond of this soup. I tried it for the first time on a cold winter evening and was immediately impressed by the hearty yet sweet taste. It warms you up from the inside and is exceptionally delicious. Above all, I love the ease of preparation and the fact that you usually already have all the ingredients at home.

Cauliflower in the oven

I would like to share a special, yet simple and delicious dish that I made for my family the other day. Cauliflower in the oven can be a great solution if you want to bring something special and healthy to the table.

Pork on mushrooms

Recipe for the perfect pork on mushrooms and gravy.