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Cumin - quick and easy recipes - page 3

219 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Cumin. How about trying one of these 219 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 630 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Authentic Indian beef Vindaloo recipe, Easy Lentil Chickpea Curry Recipe, Homemade Chicken Chipotle Burrito Bowl Recipe, Homemade Chicken Tikka Masala. Will you try one out?

Vegan Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry

There's nothing like a warm bowl of Sweet Potato and Chickpea Curry to satiate your taste buds on a cool evening.

Vegan Herbed Brown Rice and Lentil Pilaf

This Brown Rice and Lentil Pilaf is not only a hearty and fulfilling dish but it's packed with nutrients.

Vegan Quinoa and Black Bean Stew

Quinoa and Black Bean Stew is a hearty bowl that surprisingly packs the right balance of flavours, thanks to the combination of spices, vegetables, and the earthy taste of quinoa and black beans.

Dutch Oven Campfire Beef Chilli

Packed with robust flavors and a delectable smokiness, Campfire Chilli quickly became a staple for our outdoor adventures. Please enjoy our traditional family camping dish.

Mediterranean Spiced Chickpea Vegetable Stew

This delicious Mediterranean Chickpea Stew is a hearty and satisfying dish I have been making for years.

Dominican Pollo Guisado Chicken Stew

Pollo Guisado, or Stewed Chicken, is a classic Dominican Republic stew, featuring tender chicken pieces, tomatoes, bell peppers, and a medley of warming spices.

Chickpeas with pumpkin

This is one of my favorite recipes to enjoy during the fall months, when pumpkin is at its best. Chickpeas with pumpkin is a healthy, flavorful and nutritious dish. It provides a good amount of protein and fiber thanks to the chickpeas, while the pumpkin adds a smooth, sweet texture that complements the dish perfectly. I usually serve it with quinoa or rice to make it even more complete.

Fresh and Spicy Mango Salsa Tacos

The fresh and tangy mango salsa acts as a splendid foil for the spicy filling of these tacos, making this recipe a refreshing treat.

Asian "Biriyani" curry with chicken and basmati rice

Biryani is a hearty rice dish from Asia. Aromatic basmati rice is steamed in a spicy tomato curry sauce and served as a hearty stew with chicken. The Asian chicken curry rice dish needs some time ,but is a taste experience of a special kind !

Creamy Spicy Chicken Bean White Chili

This comforting and hearty recipe combines delicious chicken with a variety of flavorful spices, tender beans, and aromatic vegetables to create a creamy, spicy but not overwhelmingly hot chili that's simply irresistible.

Keto Baked Stuffed Whole Cauliflower

This healthy, vegan, gluten-free, and low-carb dish is not just amazingly delicious but also looks stunning on any dinner table.

Crispy Roasted Eggplant Stuffed Tacos

Infused with Mexican spices, eggplant serves as a perfect substitute for meat in vegetarian tacos. The whole process is uncomplicated and the result, deliciously satisfying.

Basic Spicy Indian Spiced Potatoes

This simple yet flavorful dish has been cooked and perfected by my family over generations. It pairs well with a simple dal or a curd-based raita.

Easy Sweet & Spicy Indian Green Beans

This spicy Indian green beans dish adds an exotic twist to usual dinners and is well-received by my family and friends.

Amazing Chickpea Veggie Burger Patties

Nutrient-packed and full of flavor, these patties are loaded with proteins and perfectly balanced with wholesome veggies. They are vegan, light-on-the-stomach, and an absolute hit with kids and grown-ups alike.

Easy Coconut Milk Chicken Breasts Curry

The rich flavours of this dish are superbly comforting and are always a hit, whether it's a weekday dinner or a gathering with friends.