Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe

VIDEORECIPE Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe

Mini quiche is a good dish for parties! Learn here how to make this easy recipe. Mini quiche is tasty and the filling options are limitless!



number of servings

Shortcrust pastry

  • 250 g self-rising flour Added to
  • 120 g cold butter Added to
  • 60 ml cold water Added to


  • 3 egg Added to
  • 200 ml cooking cream Added to
  • 50 ml milk Added to
  • salt Added to
  • nutmeg Added to
  • 80 gr grated Gruyere or Emmental cheese Added to


  • cherry tomatoes Added to
  • pesto Added to
  • smoked salmon Added to
  • chives Added to
  • sautéed mushrooms Added to
  • parsley Added to


100 min.
1. Step

Pour the flour and cold butter just removed from the fridge into a bowl and cut into small pieces. With your fingertips, rub butter and flour until you get a sandy consistency.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

2. Step

Crumbled the butter, pour the cold water just removed from the fridge and knead with your hand. When the dough begins to compact, transfer it to a work surface and form a smooth and compact dough. Wrap it in cling film and let it harden in the fridge for 45 minutes.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

3. Step

In a jug with a spout pour the cream and eggs and mix with a hand whisk.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

4. Step

Add the milk, salt, pepper and grated nutmeg and mix again.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

5. Step

Grate the cheese and set it aside.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

6. Step

Cut the tomatoes into slices, drain the mushrooms and chop the parsley and chives.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

7. Step

Flour the work surface, the brisé and the rolling pin, then roll out into a sheet with a thickness of about 2 - 3 mm.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

8. Step

Place the moulds on a baking sheet and distribute the grated cheese on the bottom of the quiche then put the salmon and chives on 2. On another 2 the cherry tomatoes are cut into slices and a teaspoon of basil pesto spreading it over several points. On the remaining 2 put the well-drained sautéed mushrooms and chopped parsley.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

9. Step

Bake in a preheated, static oven on the central grill at 180 ° C for about 40 minutes

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

10. Step

When cooked, remove the pan from the oven and remove the quiche from the molds when they are lukewarm.

Easy and tasty mini quiche recipe - preparation step 1

Source: Youtube

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