Preview of Hazelnut cake

Hazelnut cake - quick and easy recipes - page 2

140 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category Hazelnut cake all in one place! How about trying one of these 140 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 420 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Easy homemade coconut ladoo, Easy coconut snowballs with pineapple recipe, Easy homemade coconut balls recipe, Chocolate-Hazelnut Crêpe with Banana. Will you try one out?

Apple, Hazelnut and Chocolate Cake

Even though I am always creating new recipes and almost always prepare different cakes, this one made it to the list of those I like to repeat. Tasty, moist, simple.

Super Coconut Cake

Coconut lovers, a recipe for you. A vegan recipe with a proper dose of coconut

Coconut-Cocoa Bundt Cake

Bundt cake for coffee or tea. A delicious afternoon with dessert. The combination of coconut and chocolate never gets old.

Chestnut Dessert with Mascarpone

A recipe for a tasty chestnut dessert with mascarpone, suitable for special occasions.

Chestnut Dessert

The Chestnut Dessert is a delicious and sweet treat for all lovers of sweet desserts.

Chocolate cake with coconut

This cake is the perfect choice for lovers of chocolate and coconut.

Chestnut Cheesecake

A delicious cheesecake that combines the creamy taste of cheese and chestnut. This recipe is perfect for all celebrations and parties.

No-bake cheesecake with peanut butter

No-bake cheesecake with peanut butter, which tastes best with coffee or tea.

Peanut Butter Cookies

Crumbly, sweet, and full of natural flavor - those are our peanut butter cookies. Perfect for an afternoon snack or as a treat with coffee.

Nutella Pancakes

A delicious recipe for enjoying breakfast or an afternoon snack. These Nutella pancakes are soft, luscious and easy to make.

Carrot Almond Cake without Flour

An excellent carrot almond cake without flour that you will enjoy with coffee or tea.

Pineapple Cake with Coconut

A recipe for a delicate pineapple cake sprinkled with coconut.

Flourless Coconut Cake

Recipe for a flourless coconut cake, suitable for people with coeliac disease.

Cream of Coconut

This sweet, creamy, exotic dish can be used as a dessert or a topping for your favourite treats. It is also an excellent base for a plethora of Caribbean-inspired cocktails.

Walnut Brownie

Enjoy a delicious homemade brownie with walnuts. A perfect dessert to share with friends and family.