
Fish - quick and easy recipes - page 4

249 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category fish. One of these 249 recipes may become your new favorite. You will need this much time for the following recipes 5 - 225 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. Recipes such as Best Old-Fashioned Tuna Sandwich Ever, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, Tuna Casserole with Crispy Parmesan Topping, Crispy Deep-Fried Fish Batter are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Fresh Barbecued Garlic Lemon Crayfish

The smoky tang of barbecue seasoning combined with the delicate sweetness of crayfish is an absolutely wonderful combination.

Peruvian Raw Ceviche Kingfish

This Ceviche Kingfish recipe, brimming with tantalizing citrus, potent chili, and robust Kingfish, impresses both as a dinner party appetizer and a light, protein-rich lunch.

Mediterranean Avocado Cucumber Salmon Salad

This mix of fresh veggies, avocado, and flavorful salmon inspired from Mediterranean cuisine is simply divine.

Salmon with tomato sauce

Delicious grilled salmon with tomato sauce, accompanied by grilled vegetables and tomato sauce.

Baked trout in a pan

The perfect recipe for pan-roasted trout, which you can have on the table in half an hour.

Delicious fish stew

Fish stew is a traditional Spanish recipe, colorful and rich in marine flavors. Its aroma will flood the kitchen, and its flavor will be a delight on the palate of any fish lover. You will not be disappointed. After preparing it, it became a frequent dish in my home. Getting fresh fish is crucial to ensure the best result and taste of the stew.

Make delicious fish stock yourself

I've made this fish stock several times for my family when we're in the mood for a hearty, warming stew. Its rich flavors, which are both hearty and delicious, have always enchanted us. It is a passion of mine to prepare this broth with love and care and I am now very happy to share it with you!

Quick lunch pasta with vegetables and tuna

One of my favorite recipes for a quick and delicious lunch is this pasta. The combination of fresh vegetables, tuna and delicious spices makes it a real treat. Plus, it's pretty easy and quick to make, which is perfect if you don't have much time.

Homemade Hot Salmon Caesar Salad

This crispy, pan-seared salmon paired with a creamy, tangy dressing is a match made in gastronomic heaven.

Hamsi Tava - fried sardines Turkey

"Hamsi Tava" is one of my favorite Turkish dishes. It is a classic coastal dish made mainly with fresh sardines. I first came across it on my trip to the Black Sea coast of Turkey and was impressed by its simplicity and delicious taste. Sardines are dipped in cornmeal and fried until crispy.

Savory Smoked Salmon Tart

This Smoked Salmon Tart is deceptively simple to make and always impresses guests.

Oven Baked Fresh Salmon with Lemon and Dill

This easy, go-to recipe, Baked Salmon with Lemon and Dill, has become a dinning staple in my household, and it's been my pleasure to prepare it often.

Baked Whole Rainbow Trout with Lemon

This recipe is incredibly simple, yet it's a delicious and healthy meal that never fails to impress my family and guests!

Pasta with salmon and cheese sauce

Pasta with smoked salmon and cheese sauce is the perfect way to fill up while enjoying a sumptuous dinner.

How to make Tuna Mayo Sushi Roll

This sushi recipe has been my go-to for loved ones who crave a homemade Japanese experience.