Original Vietnamese pho recipe

VIDEORECIPE Original Vietnamese pho recipe

Pho soup is an essential Vietnamese soup that is now popular all over the world. It is a meat or chicken and noodle soup, packed with delicious aromatic ingredients and the savoury broth is to die for! With this recipe, you can cook it at home.



number of servings
  • 1 medium chicken Added to
  • 200 g rice noodles Added to
  • 1 onion Added to
  • 1 spring onion Added to
  • 1 red chilli Added to
  • 1 star aniseed Added to
  • 12 cinnamon stick Added to
  • soy sauce Added to
  • olive oil Added to
  • 1 fresh ginger Added to


150 min.
1. Step

Roast the vegetables and spices and place in a large pot along with the cooked whole chicken.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
2. Step

Cover with all the water and bring to a low heat for 3 hours.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
3. Step

During cooking, remove the fat from the surface.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
4. Step

Strain and season with salt and a dash of soy sauce.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
5. Step

Cook the noodles in the soup.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
6. Step

Place the pasta, a little of the crumbled chicken used in the cooking, some spring onion and chilli rings in each bowl.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1
7. Step

Fill the bowl with the hot soup and drizzle with a good splash of extra virgin olive oil.

Original Vietnamese pho recipe - preparation step 1

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