
Apple - quick and easy recipes - page 4

397 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category apple. One of these 397 recipes may become your new favorite. The preparation time is 3 - 4320 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. Recipes such as The Best Devilled Sausages, How to prepare the original French Tarte tatin?, The most delicious Impossible pie recipe, The fluffiest and most delicious chocolate chip muffins are among our most popular. Check them out - you might find them appealing too!

Apple Pie from Yogurt Dough

Crisp and delicious apple pie that is easy to prepare. The dough is light and fluffy due to the use of yogurt, and the filling made from fresh apples provides the pie with sweetness and juiciness.

Sauerkraut Salad with Apples

Juicy and tasty sauerkraut salad with apples full of vitamins, which is ideal as a side dish to meals or just as a snack.

Apple Banana Baby Food

Recipe for a simple apple banana baby food for small children.

Apple Banana Smoothie

A great recipe for a refreshing and healthy apple banana smoothie that's full of vitamins.

Apple Chocolate Cake

Great recipe for apple-chocolate cake with perfect chocolate icing.

Apple Pie with Curd

Recipe for a juicy apple pie with curd and poppy seeds. This dessert is low in calories.

Carrot Salad with Apples and Raisins

This crunchy and refreshing carrot salad with apples is a great addition to any meal. It is prepared very quickly and easily, and it is also full of vitamins.

Pineapple Cake with Coconut

A recipe for a delicate pineapple cake sprinkled with coconut.

Red Cabbage Salad

Tasty and healthy cabbage salad with apple and nuts, which is full of vitamins.

Russian Olivier Salad

Russian Salad, also known as Olivier Salad, is a traditional dish in Russia, usually enjoyed for celebrations. It's a combination of various vegetables and proteins, bound in mayonnaise.

Pulled Pork in Smoker

This delicious pulled pork in smoker recipe provides a tender, flavorful feast for any barbecue lover. Served with warm buns and coleslaw, it's the perfect treat for your next gathering.

Smoked Pulled Pork

This smoked pulled pork is cooked slow and low to make it super tender, then mixed with a smoky, tangy sauce. The perfect crowd-pleaser for any BBQ party.

Christmas Non-alcoholic Punch

This spicy, fruity non-alcoholic punch is a perfect choice for Christmas parties, especially for children and those with a driving license. Plus, it's very easy to make!

Simple Goose Foot Cake

Goose foot cake is a Hungarian dessert named after its layers cut in the shape of a goose foot. This simple recipe describes every step in detail so you can make this delicious sweet at home.