Preview of Cherries

Cherries - quick and easy recipes - page 4

184 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Cherries. How about trying one of these 184 recipes today? Preparation time 5 - 345 minutes. You can find the exact preparation time below each recipe. In addition, see how many portions you will get by using the given amount of ingredients. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Delicious keto chicken casserole recipe, Easy no-bake red berry cheesecake recipe, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, The best pumpkin salad recipe. Will you try one out?

No Bake Chocolate Cherry Ripe Bars

Blending the richness of coconut, the sweetness of cherries, and the bitterness of dark chocolate, this recipe is a breeze and so much healthier than store-bought bars.

Homemade Hot Salmon Caesar Salad

This crispy, pan-seared salmon paired with a creamy, tangy dressing is a match made in gastronomic heaven.

Best One-Pot Mediterranean Pasta

One-Pot Mediterranean Pasta is a healthy, flavorful, light dish inspired by the savory and refreshing characteristics of Mediterranean cuisine.

Warm Quinoa Salad with Grilled Halloumi

Bursting with flavors, yet simple to prepare, this salad combines nutty and healthful quinoa with squeaky, salty Halloumi cheese - a duo that will certainly make your tastebuds happy!

Easy Vegetarian Thai Peanut Salad

This is not just any salad; it's a fusion of flavors that takes you on a trip to Thailand!

Chocolate cherry muffin

The combination of chocolate and cherries is simply irresistible, and the chocolate cherry muffin is always a big hit in our homes. I often make them on weekends for breakfast or afternoon tea. The sweet and tart aftertaste of the chocolate and cherry mixture is incredibly harmonious.

Chocolate muffins with cherries

Who doesn't like muffins? Today I would like to share with you the recipe for my favorite, chocolate muffins with cherries. The muffins smell beautiful and taste great thanks to the combination of chocolate and cherries.

Chocolate cherry cake

Recipe for a perfect chocolate-cherry cake that combines the taste of classic sponge cake with chocolate and cherries.

Cake with cherries and mascarpone cream

This cake is perfect for various occasions, not just for a simple dessert. I have had many occasions to prepare it and each time it came out perfectly. I hope my experience and tips will help you in its preparation.

Grandma's Old Fashioned Fruit Cake

This moist, flavorful cake elicits an intoxicating aroma that fills the kitchen and lingers throughout the holidays. The preparation is quite simple and the result is worth every minute of the wait!

Marinade for Sticky Barbecue Baked Pork Ribs

One of my favorite things to cook, and even more to eat, are succulent cherry barbeque pork ribs. The secret, of course, lies in the marinade. The recipe I’m about to share is something that I have lovingly perfected over the years, installing my ribs with unparalleled dimension and flavor.

Salad with Spinach and Feta

This refreshing and vitamin-packed salad is perfect for a light lunch or dinner. Tender spinach meets tangy feta here, and the whole is bathed in a flavorful dressing. It doesn't take long to prepare this salad, and the result is sure to exceed your expectations.

Crunchy Kale Cranberry and Quinoa Salad with Dressing

Embrace the ultimate boon of health, flavor, and crunch with an inviting bowl of Kale and Quinoa salad. It makes a filling meal for lunch and dinner with its incredible mix of veggies, nuts, and a tangy vinaigrette dressing. A great salad for all who want a meal that is truly good for belly and soul.

Fresh Healthy Mediterranean Gnocchi Salad

A Mediterranean Gnocchi Salad is a beautiful fusion of fresh Mediterranean flavors with the delicious, hearty bite of gnocchi. This dish comes together quickly, making it a perfect meal for busy nights. It's a great combination of healthy, refreshing, and delightful taste that will take your tastebuds on a satisfying journey through the classic tastes of the Mediterranean.

Best Refreshing Tropical Hawaiian Cocktail Drink

Beat the heat and sit back with this refreshing, tropical Hawaiian cocktail, blended with a mix of pineapple, coconut, and rum. It's a little slice of paradise in a glass, transporting you straight to a Polynesian beach.

How to make Ice Cream Spider Float Drink

The Ice Cream Spider is a unique twist on the classic float. This delightful dessert is a perfect treat for kids and adults alike on a hot summer day. With a combination of the sweet and creamy ice cream with a fizzy soft drink, it creates an irresistible sweet treat everyone loves.