Preview of New Year's Eve spreads

New Year's Eve spreads - quick and easy recipes

33 recipes

Best recipe ideas from the category New Year's Eve spreads all in one place! How about trying one of these 33 recipes today? The preparation time is 5 - 60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Meat Spread, Speculoos cream spread, Potato spread for sandwiches, Cheese spread.

Chickpea Spread for Kids

Recipe for a simple but tasty chickpea spread for children.

Chicken spread for toast

Quick spread for toast.

Fish Spread

Excellent fish spread suitable for bread.

Crackling Spread

Traditional spread with cracklings, egg and pickled cucumber.

Pear and Cocoa Spread

Want to prepare something different from fruit than jam? Try this healthier alternative to chocolate spread.

Yeast Spread for Kids

This tasty and healthy yeast spread is ideal for kids.

Mackerel Spread

Mackerel spread is a perfect choice for a quick and healthy breakfast.
Recipe preview Carrot Spread with Cheese
Photo recipe

Carrot Spread with Cheese

Carrot-cheese spread for a slice of bread.

Cheese Spread with Garlic

Tasty and simple cheese spread with garlic. Ideal for breakfast or dinner.

Celeriac Spread with Carrot

This is a simple and healthy spread with celeriac and carrot. This spread is a great way to incorporate more vegetables into your diet. It's ideal as a snack on bread or crispy baguettes.

Mackerel spread

A simple and tasty mackerel spread for bread. Perfect for breakfast or as an addition to crispy toasts at a party.

Vegan Sandwich Spread

This sandwich spread is a perfect choice if you want to prepare something simple and quick. It's super tasty and made from just a few basic ingredients. It's perfect for sandwiches, tortillas, or even vegetables.

Garlic Cheese Spread

A garlic cheese spread made from melted cheese, which is an ideal choice for all occasions.

Smoked Meat Spread

A tasty spread made from smoked meat, which is suitable for breakfast or as a refreshment during the day. The preparation is quick and easy.