Preview of Almonds

Almonds - quick and easy recipes - page 2

314 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Almonds. Check out one of our great 314 recipes. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 5 - 480 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you need help choosing, we recommend Tasty Caramel slice, How to make salmon fillets with cheese and spinach sauce?, Fluffy and delicious banana muffins, Easy and tasty traditional Macarons recipe. They are among our most sought-after and popular recipes. We’re sure you’ll love it!

Cuketový perník

Máme sezónu, kedy sa rodiny a susedia medzi sebou ohadzujú cuketami, tekvicami, hokkaidami a inými druhmi zeleniny 😊 Ak vás už nebavia polievky a prívarky skúste extrémne vláčny čoko perník.

Egg White Roll

Egg white or otherwise called rolled pavlova will definitely tickle your taste buds :)
Recipe preview Gluten-free Strawberry Cake
Photo recipe

Gluten-free Strawberry Cake

Do you have strawberries at home? Make this cake out of them. Gluten-free, lactose-free, made from all super ingredients.

No-bake cake with pudding

No-bake desserts are gratifying. And there are few who don't like them. Be sure to prepare it :)

Chocolate Gluten-free Cake

This chocolate cake is a delicious treat for everyone who avoids gluten.

Avocado Smoothie

This smoothie is a great start to the day or a tasty and healthy snack.

Turmeric Latte

This is a healthy drink that can help improve your health and mood. It has a pleasant taste and is easy to prepare.

Carrot Almond Cake without Flour

An excellent carrot almond cake without flour that you will enjoy with coffee or tea.

Raw Chocolate Cake

Recipe for a perfect Raw Chocolate Cake that you can indulge in anytime you crave it.

Salmon with Spinach

A simple and delicious recipe for salmon with spinach, adapted to the Slovak way. This recipe is ideal for quick and healthy lunches or dinners. The salmon is exceptionally tasty in combination with spinach and garlic, which provide a unique flavor.

Apple Banana Smoothie

A great recipe for a refreshing and healthy apple banana smoothie that's full of vitamins.

Chocolate Fitness Bars

These bars are full of healthy ingredients, are tasty and easy to prepare. Perfect for a quick breakfast or a snack on the go.

Mandarin Cake

This mandarin cake is an excellent dessert that every sweet lover will appreciate.

Stuffed Pork Loin for Christmas

The delicious Stuffed Pork Loin is a classic main course in Christmas celebrations. This recipe hides a juicy and tasty filling that will surprise your guests. The pork loin is slowly cooked to get a tender and juicy meat, while the stuffing adds a special Christmas touch.

Greek Almond Biscuits

Crunchy and almond-packed, these biscuits are the perfect accompaniment to a cup of Greek coffee. They are light to eat but packed with the rich taste of almonds and a touch of lemon.