Preview of Currants

Currants - quick and easy recipes

14 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Currants. Try one of these 14 recipes. Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 30 - 240 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If you can’t make up your mind, then we recommend these favorite and very popular recipes - Traditional homemade English Lardy cake recipe, Grandma's Old Fashioned Fruit Cake, Easy homemade Cypriot Grain Salad, Tasty and easy English Spotted Dick dessert recipe.

Crumble Curd Cake with Currants

Looking for a tasty dessert that is easy to prepare and not a typical dry cake? Try this crumble with curd and currants. You can also replace the fruit with others.

Currant Curd Cake

This no-bake currant curd cake is perfect for coffee or tea.

Cake with Pudding and Currants

I like to use currants in cakes, because we don't particularly enjoy them on their own, and we can't keep up with eating them during the season. If you have plenty of these, try this sheet cake enhanced with chocolate pudding. Interesting thing about it is the dough supplemented with semolina

Chocolate Cake with Fruit

A perfect and quick chocolate cake with fruit that I baked over the weekend.

Juicy Fruit Pie

This juicy fruit pie is a tasty addition to afternoon coffee or tea. It's light, delicious, and full of fruit.

Christmas Spiced Ice Cream

An easy, lovely dessert rich with flavors of the season and perfect for a holiday meal. It features the rich, creamy texture of ice cream with traditional Christmas spices like cinnamon, clove, and nutmeg, combined with festive elements like dried fruits and nuts.

Traditional Oliebollen Dutch Doughnuts

Oliebollen, also known as Dutch Doughnuts, are something to look forward to each time.

Granny's Classic Fruit Mince Pie

Homemade, heartwarming, and full to the brim with delicious dried fruits, spices, and a dash of strong liquor, these pies radiate the essence of true holiday spirit.

Grandma's Old Fashioned Fruit Cake

This moist, flavorful cake elicits an intoxicating aroma that fills the kitchen and lingers throughout the holidays. The preparation is quite simple and the result is worth every minute of the wait!

Traditional British Eccles Cakes Pastry

Eccles Cakes are a classic English pastry, hailing from the town of Eccles in Greater Manchester. They are composed of flaky puff pastry encapsulating a sweet blend of currants, candied peel, and spices. Perfect with a cup of tea or coffee, these cakes are a traditional treat that would surely delight your palate!
Recipe preview Easy homemade Cypriot Grain Salad

Easy homemade Cypriot Grain Salad

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Cypriot Grain Salad, a healthy dish from Greek cuisine. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Tasty and easy English Spotted Dick dessert recipe

Tasty and easy English Spotted Dick dessert recipe

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Spotted Dick, a popular and tasty dessert of English cuisine. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview How to make homemade Christmas tree brownies?

How to make homemade Christmas tree brownies?

This easy recipe teaches how to make the best homemade Christmas tree brownies. Don't miss it!
Recipe preview Traditional homemade English Lardy cake recipe

Traditional homemade English Lardy cake recipe

This easy recipe teaches you how to make the traditional Englisk lardy cake at home. Don't miss it!