Preview of Chocolate dessert

Chocolate dessert - quick and easy recipes

227 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Chocolate dessert. How about trying one of these 227 recipes today? Are you in a hurry or do you like relaxing in the kitchen with a good recipe? The preparation time for the following recipes is 4 - 720 minutes. The time estimate is given for each recipe. If we’re talking about good recipes, then these favorites come to mind - Aussie chocolate slice recipe, The most delicious chocolate brownies recipe, The best homemade chocolate cupcakes recipe, Microwave Chocolate Brownie in a Mug Cake. Will you try one out?

Chocolate Orange Cake

Orange jam is a bit less traditional. But I bought it and tried to use it in a dessert. The combination of chocolate and orange is great.

Chocolate Cookies

The Best Chocolate Cookies

Chocolate cake without eggs

Tasty little cake without adding eggs

White Chocolate Cheesecake

Effortless no-bake cheesecake

Kefir Muffins with Raspberries and Chocolate

Full of tasty raspberries and chunks of chocolate

Peach Cake with Chocolate and Crumble

A simple cake for the weekend. Fruits, chocolate and crumble.

Peanut 'Snickers' Squares

An easy, fairly straightforward chocolate peanut cake reminding of Snickers in a much healthier version 🤤🤤🤤

Tart with Chocolate Cream

Have you ever tried a tart? This was my first. Cocoa dough, raspberry jam, chocolate cream and a ruby chocolate glaze. And all of it in a lightened version without a lot of sugar and without baking.
Recipe preview No-Bake Caramel Chocolate Cake
Photo recipe

No-Bake Caramel Chocolate Cake

No-bake desserts are very simple and moreover, they will delight your taste buds. This one, combining caramel and soaked biscuits with two flavours of pudding, complemented by a banana, is a must-try.

Chocolate Sponge Cake

Recipe for fluffy chocolate sponge cake, suitable for cakes or tortes.

Mini Cheesecakes with White Chocolate

Tasty mini cheesecakes with white chocolate, strawberries, and almond flakes.

Flourless Chocolate Nut Cake

This cake is a great solution for those with gluten intolerance. It's full of flavor and no one would ever guess that it contains no flour.

Flourless Roulade

Roulades..... again a grateful, tasty cream dessert. Visitors always praise it. This time, it's a nut roulade with chocolate cream, additionally gluten-free.

Protein Chocolate Brownies

Sweetness without remorse. :) 1 piece - 64kcal B 5.6g S 6.8g T 1.4g