Preview of Quick bites

Quick bites - quick and easy recipes

4 recipes

See the most tasty recipes from the category Quick bites. We have a great collection of 4 recipes to diversify your menu! You will need this much time for the following recipes 20 - 60 minutes. By clicking the recipe, you can see details about the preparation time and the number of portions. See our favorite recipes here - Mini cheesecake with ruby chocolate and raspberries, Mini cheesecake cookies, Fish tacos, Parmesan Couscous - made for lovers of good food. Enjoy your meal!

Mini cheesecake cookies

These delicious mini cheesecake cookies are full of creamy, slightly sweet, pleasantly lemony flavour and drizzled with dark chocolate. Don't miss them!
Recipe preview Fish tacos

Fish tacos

This healthy and delicious fish tacos recipe has all the creamy, crunchy fresh ingredients you could ask for. This is the best tacos recipe with lots of perfectly seasoned fried fish in every bite.

Parmesan Couscous

Delicious parmesan couscous to go with every meal.